
June 5th 2024

It’s me with one of those rare updates 😉.

The year has been busy and good so far. Besides lots of teaching, I have been on the road through Germany and Austria with Falco – Das Musical, have been playing Jesus Christ Superstar in my home town Vienna and Wolf – Das Mystical at the new Seebühne Wolfgangsee. I also subbed at Theater in der Josefstadt a few times. My Fair Lady rehearsals at the Seefestspiele Mörbisch start next week 💪. 

Besides all the musical theatre projects, I have been playing lots of other gigs and am featured on quite a few new recordings (take a look at my discography). Among those my „new“ jazz fusion band River has released its debut album Chameleon Circuit. Make sure to give it a listen on all the common platforms 😉.

Also, I will „re-activate“ my YouTube „career“ soon 🥳!! …

Take care and have a great summer 😎.

June 24th 2023

Pretty busy at the moment. Lots of teaching as well as many beautiful projects and concerts. Right now we are rehearsing for Mamma Mia!. First show in 2+ weeks 🕺🥳. It’s been a while since I updated my homepage – be sure to follow me on Instagram for constant updates 😉.

December 29th 2022

Take part in my big New Year’s Giveaway and win a full ONE-YEAR DRUMEO membership 🫢😮😍!!
Good luck 🍀🤘!!

December 13th 2022

Hello with a quick update 🥳.

We played a couple of gigs with the Jakob Zimmermann Trio again, I am involved in three musical theatre pieces right now at the Theater in der Josefstadt and I am playing quite a few Christmas shows. Also, Gert Steinbäcker’s (STS) new album 44 was released a couple of weeks ago that features me on three tracks 💪. Other projects are happening, too 😍.

Besides all that there is lots of teaching and other stuff. Really trying to re-activate my YouTube channel, too, but it seems like one upload per month is the maximum right now. Next year, a couple of more exclusive lessons will launch in my Online School.

Stayed tuned and I wish you all a merry, merry Christmas and a happy new year 🎊 🎄!!

July 11th 2022

Hello with another update 🤘.

I am very fortunate to be playing lots and lots of gigs right now with many different projects 🥳. Some highlights of the past few weeks would certainly have been all the Mainfelt gigs at some beautiful and incredible festivals, as well as playing with KØLEEN at the Donauinselfest, or our final season of „Vivaldi – Die fünfte Jahreszeit“ at the Vienna Volksoper, besides some exciting jazz gigs and other stuff, too.

Make sure to follow my Instagram for almost daily updates 😉.

Also, I am trying to „reactivate“ my YouTube channel, which has been impossible during the last couple of weeks. I uploaded a video TODAY, though, showing some live footage of Mainfelt at the Alpen Flair 2022 🤘. Make sure to check it out here 🥳.

Right now I am looking forward to some more jazz gigs and the yearly Outreach Music Festival in Schwaz where I will be again performing as well as teaching.

I hope you’re enjoying your summer, too and we’ll hopefully see each other at one of my gigs or workshops 💪.

Take care and cheers,


April 29th 2022

It’s been a long time since I posted an update here (make sure to follow my Instagram for almost daily updates and news 😉).

I’ve been rather busy with gigs coming back to existence as well as teaching and studio work. Some highlights would have been playing with CLERQ, my new Jazz band Life Aquatic, The Schick Sisters, KØLEEN, sitting in with legendary Austrian band Nockis, touring with Tiktaalik and recording with Christian Kolonovits for Austropop legend Gert Steinbäcker.

There is a lot of stuff coming up. For example finally playing with Mainfelt again 😊. I’ll try to keep you updated 😉.

Best wishes,


November 3rd 2021

I had an absolute BLAST joining the South Tyrolean folk rock band MAINFELT and playing a short 3-gig mini tour with them two weeks ago 🥳🤘😎💪!!

I have the huge honor and pleasure of joining them full time for their upcoming gigs – like for example THIS Friday (5th) in Hefenhofen, Switzerland ❤️.

Make sure to catch us live at some point 🙏🤩!!

Best wishes,


August 30th 2021

A very busy summer is coming to an end 😎. I had a lot of fun playing „West Side Story“ and „Musicalstars im Steinbruch“, performing and teaching at the Outreach Music Festival 2021, as well as doing many other fun and exciting gigs with lots of amazing people ❤️.

After a short holiday, I will be playing with Jakob Zimmermann Trio in Schwaz (Sep. 15th) and Vienna (Sep. 22nd) and with Christian Kolonovits and a huge and awesome orchestra supporting various Austrian artists at the Donauinselfest 2021 (Sep. 18th) 😎.

Stay tuned 🤘!!

July 12th 2021

We had a lovely opening night of „West Side Story“ at the world renowned Seefestspiele Mörbisch last week and a couple of more stunning shows since then ❤️. We’ll continue on Thursday 💪. Great fun 😎!!

For more pictures, information and posts visit my Instagram 🤘!!

June 14th 2021

Thrilled to announce that I will be performing West Side Story at the renowned Seefestspiele Mörbisch this summer 💪🤘. We were going to do it last year but then, well…

Now it’s time 🥳!!

Here is a little snippet of my practice preparations:


March 8th 2021

Forgot to share my news artist profile on the Paiste homepage here. I feel super honored and happy ☺️. Here it is 😊:

February 4th 2021

Thanks so much Vater Percussion for including me in the artist section of your homepage 😊🙏🏻:

View me profile here 🤘.

January 25th 2021

Another brand new video hit my YouTube channel, but I don’t want to continue to fill my news section with YouTube links, so here is the general information:

This year (at least for the next couple of months) I will release a new YouTube video EVERY Monday! And again, I won’t post more links here, BUT you can always find the videos under either the media, the online school or the gear section of this homepage (depending on the information).

So stay tuned and have a great week 💪🏻🤘👍!!

January 18th 2021

Another brand new video on funk drumming on my YouTube channel 👊🏻!

January 11th 2021

Check out my new video on funk drumming 🤘☺️!!

January 4th 2021

Let me wish you all a great and healthy new year 2021 🥂🍾🎉!

Please enjoy the latest video on my YouTube channel discussing one of my favorite drummers of all time, the great Vinnie Colaiuta!!!



December 29th 2020

I hope everyone had amazing Christmas Holidays!

Yesterday I released a new video on my YouTube channel, something completely different this time 😉.

Check it out here:

Take care and stay healthy!



December 7th 2020

Another update:

Besides teaching and online work, 2 more exciting projects emerged for the remainder of this year:

Last week we were happy to do a video recording for the Jazzfest München with our Jazz quartet Tiktaalik. It was a lot of fun playing with those guys again, although only for the cameras and the audio/video crew 😉.

This Saturday (December 12th) I am happy to do another streaming gig with the Rens Newland Trio at Reigen club in Vienna. Tune into the livestream at 7pm 🤘!!



November 12th 2020

Just a quick update from my professional life:

Theatres, concert halls, clubs, bars etc. had to close again at the beginning of the month, meaning that they shut us down after only one show of „Vivaldi – Die fünfte Jahreszeit“ at the Vienna Volksoper 😔. Our last (and fourth) season in April was cancelled completely. In this fifth season, we managed to do one show 😂🙈. And that one show will most probably have been my last gig for this year… No more words needed. Luckily, I got a lot of other stuff going on with album recordings, my videos and my students. And a lot of practicing of course. So I am busy as always but of course I miss gigs. So 2021, I am counting on you 😅🤘!!

Take care and stay healthy!



September 2nd 2020

I am excited to announce that I just became an official Yamaha Drums artist. In addition to my beloved Birch Custom Absolute, a brand new Absolute Hybrid Maple in gorgeous Jade Green Sparkle is on its way to me 🙂 .



August 3rd 2020

I’m having an exciting time at the Outreach Music Festival in Schwaz. So far, my ensemble classes performed at the opening concert last Saturday and we started rehearsing for the Festival this weekend. I am also teaching drum classes and more ensemble classes! Follow the link to see what’s going on and participate (the drum class tomorrow will also be available via streaming!). 

P.S.: Lesson 2 of Hand Technique Demystified launched today! Please find it on the Online School section here.

Thanks and have a good week!


July 27th 2020

My online school has launched TODAY!! Please follow the blue button above to enjoy the FREE course Hand Technique Demystified (ongoing – new video every Monday) and to become an exclusive member.

Thanks, enjoy and have a good week!


July 18th 2020

I am thrilled to announce that my online school will start on July 27th!!

On that day, I will release the first lesson of my FREE drum course „Hand Technique Demystified“. Stay tuned and tune in 😉 .

All the best,


June 11th 2020

The .com and .at domains are now working again! So you can reach this website at


However, Facebook and Instagram are still blocking the .com and .at domains for no apparent reason. It’s an error in their system and I still haven’t heard back from them. So please use the .online version when sharing content of my website on social media.

Thanks and all the best,


June 2nd 2020

Due to technical difficulties I had to change the domain to (www.) This is the only functioning domain right now. As soon as we’ve fixed all technical issues the .com and .at versions will be functioning again as well. I will let you know!

All the best,


May 26th 2020

Hi there! Typing these lines, I am just finishing creating this website and will release it very soon. Check this section here for further updates. Thanks and have a good one!